The Blog


Las Vegas, NV- Moderate wine consumption could help keep the kidneys healthy, and may protect the heart in patients who already have kidney disease, according to new findings presented here at the National Kidney Foundation's 2014 Spring Clinical Meetings.

Tapan Mehta, MD, of the University of Colorado-Denver, and his colleagues found that people who drank less than one glass of wine a day had a 37 percent lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease than those who drank no wine at all. Among study participants who had chronic kidney disease, those who drank less than a glass of wine daily were 29 percent less likely to have cardiovascular disease than non-wine drinkers.

Dr. Mehta and his colleagues used 2003-2006 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey on 5,852 individuals, 1,031 of whom had chronic kidney disease.

Thomas Manley, director of scientific activities at the National Kidney Foundation, said, "Similar to previous studies showing that moderate wine consumption appears to impart some health benefit by lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes, this study suggests an association between moderate wine consumption (< 1 glass/day) and lower rates of chronic kidney disease."

Moderation is the key for kidney patients when it comes to alcohol consumption, with a few caveats, Manley said. "Excess alcohol consumption has definitely been shown to have negative effects on kidney function. Alcohol can also worsen hypertension, a major cause of chronic kidney disease, so those with poorly controlled hypertension should definitely limit the amount of alcohol they consume. It's also important to consider the nutritional contents of the various alcoholic drinks to be sure they comply with the prescribed renal diet."

The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk. For more information, visit


* This article was found on The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland

Find out how much you know about your kidneys? May 07 2014, 0 Comments

Take the kidney quiz. 

The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland offers a quick and simple test. 



*You will be redirected to the National Kidney Foundations Website.

Henita's First Blog April 28 2014, 0 Comments


My name is Henita Schiff.  First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read my blog. Here you will find words of strength, purpose, inspiration, and truth. I am not a nurse, a doctor, or a social worker; I am a survivor. I’ve battled with renal failure and disease and have had 2 kidney transplants within 20 years. But, more than that, I am an individual with a deep desire to reach out to others, to be a voice, to be a shoulder to lean on, provide a word of encouragement; I have been there.

Being a kidney patient can be a lonely road; I know. Some of us are blessed enough to have supportive families, and some of us walk this path by ourselves. Regardless of your situation, surrounded by a loving community or facing this completely on your own, dealing with kidney disease is difficult for everyone. Believe me, I understand the challenges of the journey, and I am here to listen, to answer questions, to be a sounding board for your thoughts and ideas. I can even give my insight on what questions to ask as you move through the process. Knowing someone is there for moral support every step of the way is my way of giving back.

As you can see, I have an innate conviction to make a positive contribution. Because of my experience and dedication to this issue, I have recently been appointed to the Governor’s Committee for Kidney Disease in the State of Maryland. I am excited for my future with this committee and vow to keep you posted on the advancements and even take your ideas to the table.

Each and every one of us, I believe, is put on earth for a reason. That is the reason I ask you, “What can I do?” I truly believe in the “Empower Yourself” philosophy, and it starts here. So, whether you are a family member, friend, acquaintance, or someone going through kidney disease issues yourself, I am here for YOU. Let me know how you feel, your experience, and how I may be of help. Together we can do A LOT!

I’ve gotten the conversation started and will continue to post right here. Please feel free to comment to keep the exchange going. You never know who you may be helping!

Count Your Blessings!


p.s. I want to thank my sister Rhea, for making the suggestion and encouraging me to tell my story to help others.  

*$1.00 of every bracelet sold will benefit the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland.  

Visit for more information. 

A note from a special person April 11 2014, 0 Comments

I wanted to share a note I received from one of my customers because it touched me in so many ways.  It gives me hope that our message is being received and that with more research and development we may one day find ways to cure, help, and fight kidney disease.  When I told my sister about the message I had received she was overjoyed.  So, I thought that I would share it with the world.  Keep the faith, and trust in god.  

Here is her letter:

I received the bracelet yesterday and it is beautiful!!! I am ashamed to admit I had no idea the story behind your store. I only saw the lovely bracelets on amazon and thought it would be perfect for my nieces confirmation. I broke down once I opened the box and read the insert. I lost my father, grandmother and my cousin to PKD, which is a hereditary kidney disease. My sister and numerous other family members also have the disease and unless a cure is found, will also succumb to the disease. Seeing the heartfelt insert and where a portion of the money goes to touched my heart so deeply, I just had to share it with you. Thank you and God Bless you for ALL you do!!!


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