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The Chabad at West Virginia University needs a new kitchen.  And we need your help.  

I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful Rabbi Zalman and his wife, Hindy Gurevitz are.  They have dedicated their lives to help the young jewish students at West Virginia University.  When our daughter, Brittany arrived at WVU, they immediately made her feel that she had found a new home, a place to feel safe, and a place to have a wonderful Shabbat dinner every Friday night.  They help the students find their Judaism and faith though countless hours of fun activities and teach them the meaning of each holiday.  

The first time I arrived and went to dinner at the Chabad, I was simply amazed.  The students came in droves to celebrate the sabbath and have a wonderful festive meal.  Hindy made a mountain of chicken, brisket, carrots, challah, and all the trimmings to feed the army of students.  She cooks days in advance to accommodate the amount of students that show up.  She does this without hesitation, without complaints even though she has to cook at home for days and then transport everything to the Chabad.  She does this because the kitchen at the Chabad is inadequate.  Most of the appliances at the Chabad are old, and do not work well.  I can remember her oldest daughter telling me that one sabbath, they did not have enough food for the students and so she went without dinner that night so all the students could eat.  My heart sunk, and that's when I decided to start fund raising.  

They desperately new a new kitchen.  So from this day forward, every time we sell a bracelet, I will donate $1.00 to the Chabad of WVU.  My hope is that we can raise enough money to buy all the appliances that the Chabad of WVU needs. This will not only serve the students but also serve the entire community for years to come.  

Please buy our bracelets to help support our goal or simply donate to the Chabad directly by following the link below.  Tell them Rhea sent you.  Please feel free to email us with any questions you may have.  

Click here to donate directly to The Chabad of WVU